Tricks To Lower Fever In Babies

When we want to alleviate a baby’s ailment at home, the best option is to do it using advice with natural products and avoid self-medication before visiting a specialist.
Tricks to lower fever in babies

Sometimes there are variations in the body temperature of babies and, as a mother, it is natural for you to worry. This will not happen for long since, once you learn what you can do at home to lower fever in babies, you will attend that little emergency much more confidently and without stress.

From the moment of birth, the baby struggles in a rudimentary way to adapt to the temperature of the environment in which it has to live.  It is a somewhat abrupt change for him, so we must ensure that this temperature is similar to what he was used to enjoying in the womb.

The normal temperature of babies

The baby is born with approximately 37.7 – 38.2 degrees Celsius rectal temperature, which drops one degree and is then easily recovered. In this sense, the axillary temperature is lower than that registered in the groin and this, in turn, lower than that of the rectum.

The little one loses heat through respiration, muscular activity and through perspiration through the skin. When, on the other hand, temperature is not lost but rather is increased, it is not necessary to be alarmed at the first time. It does not necessarily have to be an infectious disease, virus, bacteria, or other problem.

This increase could be, in some cases, heat from excess clothing. However, we can also be in the presence of the onset of some ailment, in the worst of situations.

This rise in body temperature could occur at night, when many times it is impossible to leave the house to see a specialist. That’s when you should apply these useful tricks to lower fever in babies. 

Remember, of course, that this is only a palliative to fix the situation in the moment. If the condition persists, do not stop visiting the pediatrician as soon as possible.

Tricks you can use to lower fever in babies

Keeping the baby’s body ventilated

We should not keep our baby too warm, as this contributes to a further rise in body temperature. When you have a fever or breakdown, we should opt for clothing made with cotton, since they favor perspiration and are much cooler.

Feverphobia is potentiated when it comes to small babies.

Do not bathe it with warm water

Many mothers make the mistake of showering their child with very cold water when he has a fever. They are unaware, in this way, that this could worsen the feverish picture.

What is recommended is to do it with water at room temperature, or even something warm. Sudden temperature shocks are not recommended for anyone, much less for a baby.

Apply compresses

This trick has been passed down from generation to generation. The compresses are very effective in lowering the temperature; These must be impregnated with cold water, but not frozen, and must be placed in strategic places. For example: the forehead, soles of the feet, palms of the hands and the back of the neck.

Hydrate the baby

It is extremely important to keep the baby constantly ingesting liquid, since when there is an increase in body temperature, the child tends to lose water through the excessive perspiration that his body experiences.

Dehydration must be avoided at all costs. For this, we can offer you refreshing fruit juices such as watermelon; Poultry broth or homemade whey is also beneficial.

Coffee poultices

These poultices can be placed with confidence. The coffee must be ground and wet and you will use them just like cold compresses ; however, in this case they are only placed on the feet and palms of the hands.

Raw potato slices

Like cold compresses, these are the same or better at lowering body temperature in babies. Like coffee poultices, you can place them on the soles of your feet and palms of your hands.

Some diseases are the causes of having children who snore.

Controlled space ventilation

When the baby is with high body temperature, we must keep it in an airy room, but not with cold and strong drafts. It should be ensured that he remains lying down and very calm to avoid excessive agitation, in order to lower the fever.

Temperature monitoring should be done within a period of no more than 30 minutes between one intake and another.  If you notice that at some point, despite having applied all the tricks to lower fever in babies, it increases and is positioned at 39 degrees Celsius, you should go immediately to a health center.

Never have the option of self-medicating your baby.  Although you can apply these natural tricks as palliative, do not consider this option with the medications you have at home. It is always better that a specialist determines what is correct to supply in each case.

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