Mom’s Super Powers

Motherhood activates hitherto unknown superpowers. And it is that the feeling of love and protection that you profess towards your son makes you capable of everything.
Mom super powers

Motherhood activates a series of super powers of mother that until then you did not know. With them you become a real heroine in the history of your family.

Cloak and mask aside, each mother keeps useful secrets with her to dominate her little world. Calm the baby, feel his cry from a distance, guess his needs … Your natural gifts allowed you to give life to your baby, bring him into the world and feed him with your body. But beyond that, you have super powers from the moment you became a mother.

The super powers of mom that you develop for your baby

Super ear

You have the ability to distinguish your baby’s crying from those of other children from a distance. Your hearing acuity even lets you know what the reason for crying is: hunger, sleepiness, anguish, whim.

This is one of the most remarkable powers of mom because at the slightest noise, whether you are asleep or awake, you get up and approach. And yes, it was indeed as you suspected, because the child is claiming your presence.


All the time, even if you are doing other activities, you are aware of what your child does and stops doing. You function as an all-seeing third eye when it comes to the child.

You have a clinical eye at critical moments like his first antics, or you can tell if he’s sick just by looking at his little face. And what about the superpower that allows you to find everything that nobody finds at home?

Super skills

Your baby has arrived and you are a specialist in nutrition, first aid, psychology and whatever it takes. You have a gift admired by the whole world: your powers of a nightlife mom, for which you spend months without sleeping. Not to mention the self-control and internal strength that it requires to have controlled the beast that you carry inside you, ready to go out and prey when someone puts your baby at risk or hurts.


Super patience

Of the mother’s powers, it is the most difficult to develop, which is why on certain occasions it can fail. Tolerance is a gift that fluctuates all the time, it comes and goes.

You apply it when you cannot calm the baby, when the first tantrums are present, when the child refuses to eat … In short, on hundreds of occasions that will happen throughout the development of your child.

Super bravery

You kill the insects that stalk them anyway, you drive away the monsters that nest in their closets. Even when your little treasure is in any kind of danger, you are faster than a bird and stronger than a lion. When the risk to your baby is imminent, there is no wonder woman that can be bought from you.

Super speed, one of mom’s most practical powers

When you manage to put your baby to sleep, the housework marathon begins. To which is added the need to take care of your own personal affairs. And you, with your super speed, manage to get to everything and be ready in time to attend your child again.


Even if the child is awake, you can identify with the octopus woman, doing many things at the same time, quickly and well, so that the home and family are in optimal condition. That’s really multitasking!

Super pampering

These mother powers are what solidify the emotional ties between mother and child. Here come, for example, those kisses with healing gifts, the caresses with relaxing potential, the soft intonation that you give to children’s songs and the emphasis and passion with which you can develop any story for your child.

Hypnotic powers

You can calm and sleep like nobody else to your little one, and in any way: in your arms, in the rocking chair or simply in his bassinet. Some mothers have a specific sleep routine for their children, such as feeding them, taking a relaxing bath, and then putting them to bed in their crib with soft music.

Infinite Mom Powers

These are just some of the many powers of mom by which you become the entire universe for your children. Even more valuable is to wear these gifts with joy and integrity, proud of the fruits they bear. And you, what power did you develop with motherhood?

Every mom is a hero in the eyes of her child

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