Mom, Value My Effort, I’m Not Perfect

Mom, value my effort, I'm not perfect

Mother, it is true that I am not perfect. But it is also true that I never pretended to be. Like all children, I have certain natural skills and many others that have been denied me. That is why I ask you please: Mom, value my effort every day.

I simply ask that you not only celebrate my achievements and successes. Well, for me it is also very important that you consider my dedication and tenacity. He appreciates my effort not to destroy my self-esteem, condemning me to feel inferior to the rest of the children on a daily basis.

Mom, I do not seek to be perfect, but to be happy being myself. I understand that I have mistakes, failures and weaknesses but I also accept my virtues and talents. Value my positive characteristics and also my desire to improve on those that you think are “negative”.

Make me feel that wonderful and exceptional being who came to this world to change your life. Daily feed my confidence to know that I can overcome every obstacle. After all, I’m only trying to improve what I don’t excel at in order to feel bright in your eyes.

Value my effort and make me feel capable

Some tasks and activities may be easily overcome but others will require a high dose of effort. Here my patience and perseverance will be tested due to the need to work hard to improve myself. That is why I insist: value my effort and understand that I cannot be perfect.


No, don’t compare me to my sister, my cousin or my classmates. I ask you please, because we are different people and, therefore, we have different gifts. Maybe, as the school teacher says, it just runs different times. Just respect my rhythm so as not to hurt me.

Remember that my value is for who I am and for everything that I have given you since I was born. Don’t measure with the bar of comparison that only brings frustration and rivalry. Stand by my side, look into my eyes and tell me with certainty that I am capable of achieving what I propose.

Help me move forward and master every challenge that life imposes on me, or myself. Support me and let’s dedicate quality time to my self-improvement. Give power to my wings with your actions and words that, without a doubt, are very important for me to grow and learn.

Highlight my achievements and failed attempts alike

Nobody knows me as much as you do, mommy. For this reason, there is no one capable of valuing me as you do. Always proud and with a grimace on your face, you make each of my glories known. But not only highlight my achievements but also my failed attempts. Well behind them hides something fundamental.


To err in something supposes, in some way, a new attempt. He also understands a new opportunity to improve myself and overcome difficulties. So celebrate my attitude of not lowering my arms and giving up. Value my effort and understand that every stumble will make me stronger.

Talk to me nice, be patient and thus nurture my hope. Never allow me to give up by giving up without trying. It transmits all that beautiful that I mobilize in you with words, gestures, deeds and hugs. Show me that every effort is worth it and has its reward.

“Whoever fights is not dead” I heard one of the older children say at recess at school. And it is true, because the only battle that is lost is the one that is abandoned. Paint for me a world where there are no impossibilities when large amounts of sacrifice are invested in the bag of dreams.

Of course I am not asking you to deceive me, it would be more hurtful to collide with a reality that is hostile to me. But encourage me to try, to go for more. I understand that I am not extraordinary in all fields nor will I set crazy or unrealistic goals.

Yes, maybe at this stage in my life I need a push. And I feel that it must be you, even if it costs you horrors, who drives me. Do not be afraid that I am wrong, or we are not wrong. After all, it is the falls that strengthen us and from each safe trip we will have a lot to learn.

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