A Crib For The Baby Which One Is The Best?

A crib for the baby. Which one is the best?

A crib is on the list of the first purchases we make as parents. Before the baby is born, the child’s health is what matters most, therefore, we need to know what is best for him. Choosing a good baby crib is essential to ensure their rest and well-being. After all, the baby’s health is what matters most to us.

This item is not usually a great mystery. However, we will review below some of the necessary aspects for the acquisition of the best crib for the baby. Obviously, in this regard, we do not usually consider “second-hand” options.

Many people often borrow accessories related to the newborn. The common belief is that what works for some also works for others, but it is the wrong approach. Every child is different, and every family has different needs.

Choosing a baby crib that meets all the requirements is not easy. There are times when the economic level does not allow us to buy the one that interests us the most. Others, we simply prefer to access the most comfortable.

In any case, there is a wide range of models, designs and shapes for any type of newborn.

How should a baby crib be?

Before choosing a baby crib, we have to follow a series of steps. The first is to make sure that it complies with safety regulations and that it has been purchased from a trusted place. It is common to ask family and friends for advice, since those who have gone through this stage already know where to buy.

Varnish and paints should be non-toxic, and the crib should be free of chips, sharp edges, or loose screws. The material must be in good condition and there must be a correct separation between the bars and the mattress. Ideally, the crib should be 60 centimeters and at least 20 more than the size of the baby.

It is also important to think about the amount of space we have, the age of the newborn and whether it will be necessary to transport it frequently. Each family has its own routines, and the choice of the crib should be based on them.

Types of baby crib

1. Co-sleeping cot

This model is perfect for the first weeks of the child. It can be adjusted in different ways, and allows mother and baby to sleep very closely. This facilitates the task of caring for the newborn, either for breastfeeding or for other functions.

A normal crib can also be used, as most have a removable part that can be attached to the parent’s bed.

Mother with her baby in her cot co-sleeping

2. Reinforced safety cradle

These cribs have been created in order to prevent any kind of accident. They have a secure closure and are usually much more resistant than normal ones. There are different designs, according to the tastes of each one.

In addition to avoiding potential problems, it helps parents feel more calm and comfortable. The fear that something bad may happen to the baby is very common, especially in first-time cases.

3. Convertible crib

They are ideal for those practical parents who want to give the crib a second use. They know that the baby will grow and that the crib will stop working in a few years, so they opt for the more pragmatic option. It can be made into different elements, including an ordinary bed.

The best thing about this choice is that the price is usually the same as that of a normal crib. It’s a thrifty way to make sure your child will never be short of a place to sleep.

Teddy bear in a crib

4. Travel cot

Travel cots are perfect for parents who often travel with their baby. They are foldable, flexible and very comfortable. They allow easy transportation of the child, without depriving him of his freedom when moving.

They are also highly recommended for the holidays, since they are much easier to store and can be used anywhere.

5. Traditional crib

They are the most demanded. They are usually made of wood, large and somewhat more expensive than the previous ones.  They are very functional, and most come equipped with drawers or small shelves. Many parents choose them because they are generally very durable.

Although some have very high prices, there are countless more affordable models . There are some that are much smaller than conventional cribs and that can be better adapted to what the child needs.

The ideal posture to put your baby to sleep

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