2 Disney And Pixar Shorts To Understand Autism

Disney and Pixar have released two new shorts to help understand autism. Do you want to know what their titles are? Discover them below!
2 Disney and Pixar shorts to understand autism

With the arrival of Disney Plus, the streaming platform of the famous entertainment company, a multitude of animated short films with very different themes have been released. In the following lines we talk about some of them, specifically about 2 new shorts that are ideal for understanding autism. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading!

But first you should know that, as estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 160 children worldwide has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It is a fairly high figure, so society needs to understand the characteristics of these people so that they do not feel excluded. And what better way to make the population see what autism means than through small animated films? This is the wonderful idea of ​​Disney and Pixar!

Float, one of the Disney and Pixar shorts to understand autism.
© Distributed by Disney +. Producer: David Lally. Pixar Animation Studios

2 Disney and Pixar shorts to understand autism

The 2 shorts we are referring to are Float ( Fly , in its Spanish translation) and Loop ( One turn ). Next, we are going to see what the argument of each of them is. They are sure to thrill you!


Float is about a boy named Alex, who has the ability to fly, and his father, who is in charge of hiding the boy’s strange ability from others. However, one day, father and son go to a playground surrounded by other families and that is when this secret comes to light and everyone sees Álex fly.

The father’s first reaction is to run away, but, after a moment of reflection, he decides to accept his son’s special characteristic and lets him play and enjoy his life like anyone else his age.

Thus, in just 7 minutes and metaphorically, this animated short perfectly shows the challenge for many parents to care for and educate a child with autism. In fact, the story is based on the life of the director and screenwriter of the film, Bobby Rubio, who has a son with autism spectrum disorder.


Loop is an 8-minute short that tells the story of two young people, a girl with autism and a very outgoing boy. Both go to a camp where they are put as canoe companions.

During the journey across the lake, they encounter a series of difficulties caused by a lack of understanding. So, to end the journey successfully, the two young people must learn to communicate, despite their differences, and understand how the other thinks.

In this way, the film transmits a valuable message and that is that in order to live with all kinds of people it is necessary to do an exercise of empathy, that is, to put oneself in the shoes of others, to try to understand what their ideas, characteristics and difficulties are. and try to adapt to them.

The importance of understanding autism

Can you imagine living in a world where nobody understands you? Well, this is exactly how many people with autism spectrum disorder feel. To prevent this from happening, it is essential that the population is sensitized and makes an effort to understand them.

Float and  Loop are two ideal animation shorts to achieve this purpose, since, in addition to making the characteristics of people with autism see in a very realistic way, they also show how the environment has to behave so that they feel included in the society.

Therefore, these entertaining and educational films should be seen by everyone, as they hold an important lesson for both children and adults.

Discover how a child with autism sees the world

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