The Story Of Emilia, The Smallest Newborn In The World

The story of Emilia, the smallest newborn in the world

When Emilia Grabarczyk came into the world, no one gave too much for her. He was born at 26 weeks and weighed only 226 grams. The doctors were not very hopeful and so they communicated it to the parents. However, the miracle girl wanted to live, she said yes to continue fighting and she has done so. Today it is almost a year old.

Emilia is beautiful. It was also when she came into the world, but she did it too early and almost desperately, because already in her mother’s womb, things did not go too well for this little girl. Doctors knew very early that this pregnancy would not reach term and that the fetus was not feeding properly.

We could say that this girl is a survivor in each and every one of the senses . It is touched by a magic wand that has made it a rare case in the world of neonatology and medicine in general.

We cannot forget that the gestational age of the premature child classifies all those births below 28 weeks as “extremely premature ” and that our protagonist, with only 26 weeks, fell within what is known as the “gray zone”, where many specialists consider that they are “non-viable” children, that is, that the chances of their survival are slim.

However, the miracle of life is unpredictable and wonderful . This is an example of that.

Emilia Grabarczyk, the girl who wanted to live

Her parents often say almost as a joke that when their daughter was born she weighed the same as a paprika. His little hands could fit on his thumb, they were tiny and delicate, but still strong.

In spite of everything, it must be made clear that although Emilia is almost a year old, she is still very young. His development is slow, and only when he reached 9 months did he achieve the weight and height of a normal newborn. He is going to need time, his parents know it, they are aware of it, but still, they could not be happier. Because Emilia was a miracle child from the beginning, since she was in her mother’s womb.

Let us know more details of its history.

A problem with the placenta

Emilia Grabarczyk.

This “little fighter” was born in Witten, Germany. Bahman Gharavi, director of the children’s and youth area at St. Mary’s Hospital, advised his parents that the fetus was not feeding properly due to a problem with the placenta.

At 5 months of gestation the baby was smaller than normal, the pregnancy was not going well and there was a possibility that it would end up dying in the womb. The only option left was to try to prolong the pregnancy a little longer and then perform a cesarean section.

Nevertheless, the doctors made it clear to the parents that the baby’s chances of survival were slim. They were facing a fetus that had not developed adequately for its gestational age and that therefore would still have a much more difficult time to survive in an incubator.

Lukas and Sabine, Emilia’s parents, did not hesitate to give their little girl a chance. So they agreed to the cesarean section and to follow all the protocol that had been prepared for her.

Emilia Grabarczyk.

26 weeks, 22 centimeters and 226 grams

It certainly seems a figure worthy of an enigma: 26 weeks, 22 centimeters and 226 grams. However, that was the letter of introduction of little Emilia, so tiny, fragile and wonderful that her parents’ emotions ranged from hope to fear, from laughter to the most desperate tears.

  • Very difficult moments passed. It is necessary to remember that many premature babies, even reaching the world with 400 grams, end up dying. To think that a 226 gram baby could get by was simply amazing.
  • The most complicated thing about babies born in the gestational gray zone is the state of their pulmonary system. They are still very immature organs, and the function of gas exchange usually settles precisely between the 23rd and 26th week.

Advances in the care and intensive care of the premature baby are more and more prodigious, but if there is something they cannot do, it is miracles. Each child is unique, each life is something special and no one can determine for sure if a premature baby will succeed.

Emilia did it, day by day she responded positively and today, it is a milestone for doctors.

A girl with eyes full of life

Emilia Grabarczyk

This is the precious Emilia Grabarczyk today. With his gaze, he transmits that desire and desire to devour the world that will continue to give him encouragement and strength, the same as he has had since he was in his mother’s womb.

His development is somewhat slower than that of a normal child of his age, but doctors do not doubt that in little more than a year, his lungs are already fully mature, and that he will reach very high in life, there where this look intense and full of light wants to guide you.

We all hope so.

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