Your Son Has A Lot To Teach You. Learn From Him

With so many parenting responsibilities, it is common for some to forget what children can teach them. Discover in this article how to take advantage of their wise lessons.
Your son has a lot to teach you.  Learn from him

Your son has a lot to teach you. He, like nobody else, knows about concepts, ideas and feelings that, with adulthood and the rigors of life, you forgot. Your little one understands everything that you find difficult or completely abstract; For this reason, just as you teach him to eat alone, bathe or tie his shoes, you must be interested in receiving training from the wisest person you can meet in life.

What can be learned from a child?

From a child you can learn to:

  • Do not blame: No one like a small child to not blame and know how to forgive. If you get angry and yell at him, he falls when you were holding him by the hand because you didn’t hold him well, or you break a promise; he is going to forgive you faster than you imagine
  • Loving: Not all adults know how to love, but all children do know how to do it. The newborn is born with a gene that enables him to feel such feelings for someone: mom, dad, grandmother … or for everyone at the same time. The love that a human being feels during their childhood is completely pure, so if you want to know what love is, ask a child
  • Be a collaborator: Children love helping others. They are never tired and too busy when you ask for their help. If you need a hand to sweep the house, carry groceries, wash, or get off the floor, ask your child for help; in it you will find the most collaborative and willing person in the world
  • Do not hold a grudge: A child does not know what grudge is, even less, he understands how to be spiteful. All the mistakes that you could have made in the past and the many that you surely continue to make and concern him directly, he will forget them in no time.
  • Strive and be persistent: If you want to know what it means to be persistent, approach your child. Just by observing him in his game you will notice how much he insists on opening the plastic bottle, or pulling the string to open the box. His effort reaches such a point that he only stops to rest when he achieves his goal. Children are persistent like few others.
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Two concepts you should learn from your child

There are 2 concepts that your child handles very well and knows, in depth, what they mean. He can teach you about them more than anyone else, even more than history books or all the information you can gather on the internet.

Those 2 knowledge are:


Children study people, the adults they live with, in a meticulous way. That is why they know about anthropology.

They are dedicated to delving into the knowledge of the human being, encompassing both their way of life and their way of behaving, thinking, feeling and reacting to the various stimuli they receive.

Day by day they enrich their “intellect” with the many linguistic, cultural and gestural expressions that characterize the individuals of their species.

From your child you must learn to know yourself and appreciate the behavior of other human beings within the framework of the culture, country, society and religion to which they belong


A child is a philanthropist par excellence. The love he feels for the other members of his group (his closest family) is infinite.

If you want to learn to love mankind without taboos or stereotypes, ask your child to teach you.

He can also show you how to give selfless help, care for others and share riches with them : in this case, his piece of bread and his toys.


Your son has a lot to teach you. Learn from him

Mom, even when it seems to you that you are the one who educates your child, it can be he who serves as an example and guide in your actions, within the society in which you live.

He can teach you to value the smallest details and to be interested in what the turtle does when it gets inside its shell.

We are all surrounded by details that we don’t even know are there; things that hide a truth, an interesting explanation that can bring us a little closer to the world.

Give your child the opportunity to teach you everything he has learned in his young age. Receive knowledge that, to your surprise, will surely be much more extraordinary than what you have already known.

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