Tips To Combat Pregnancy Discomfort

Tips to combat discomfort in pregnancy

I suppose that in many countries of the world they joke when they see that a woman feels nauseous and dizzy. They do it because these are two of the most common pregnancy discomforts. If you feel them, I have two good news for you: whatever it is, they will happen and there are ways to combat them.

The most common discomforts in pregnancy

At around 11:00 in the morning Adriana began to crave the taste of a sandwich that they sell near the office where she works. He waited at noon, and on the way he imagined the bread, the ingredients, and the drink, while his mouth watered.

It took him a long time to complete the order. He had to leave the premises about three times while the sandwich was being prepared for him because the smell of spices, and in general, local food, made him nauseous. He didn’t understand why, something like this had never happened to him before.

He had to wait a long time to eat the bread, but he did it with all the hunger in the world. Within days she found out she was pregnant and now remembers the episode as her first craving and her first feeling of nausea. Her sense of smell became very acute in the first months of her pregnancy.

The story continued with vomiting, especially in the morning, which usually appears at 6 weeks after the lack of menstruation and disappears at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.

What happened to Adriana happens, according to the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO), to 70% of pregnant women. But smile, nausea and vomiting are associated with a lower risk of miscarriage.


To alleviate these symptoms there are dietary measures

  •  Eat more frequent meals with less food.
  •  Take a food rich in carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, cereals, etc.) at the beginning of meals, for example a slice of bread.
  • Take food at room temperature, because that way they give off less aroma.
  • Avoid unappetizing foods.
  • Increase your fluid intake.

Among its notes, the SEGO says that there are no medications to deal with nausea, but advises to eat little and often, leave no more than 3 hours on an empty stomach.

To avoid vomiting, he recommends taking Caribán or Primperán. When you wake up in the morning you should take something and stay in bed or semi-upright, until that nauseous state disappears. And if despite these tips you continue with nausea and vomiting, you should consult your doctor.

It is very common for you to feel tired and sleepy, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, it happened to Adriana and she solved it by taking naps.

-Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics-


Fight heartburn

There is another symptom that affects hundreds of pregnant women: Heartburn. The Pregnancy Care Guide, advice from your midwife , which was written by specialists from the University Hospital of Ceuta, states that 70% of pregnant women suffer from heartburn.

And according to a SEGO article, heartburn and heartburn arise from the hypersecretion of gastric juices.

Society recommends fighting it by eating little and often and also with medications such as: Almax, Minoton, Winton, Pepsamar, Bemolan, Rennie, Pepcid, Omeprazole or Ranitidine.

You can also relieve heartburn with the following recommendations:

  • Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
  • Avoid lying down after meals.
  • Avoid very hot foods and drinks.
  • Avoid eating fruits on an empty stomach.
  • Avoid foods that worsen symptoms like fat, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, tea, tobacco.

Fiber will be your best friend

Another common discomfort during pregnancy is constipation. It happens almost from the beginning of pregnancy, and sometimes it is accentuated, so in addition to a diet rich in fiber.

If you prefer, you can take a laxative: glycerin suppositories, Micralax, Emuliquen, Dulco-Laxo, Pruina or Plantaben; as long as you have not evacuated for more than 2-3 days.

Constipation is the consequence of a hormonal action on the intestine, which makes the movement of food through it slower, it can also be caused by compression of the intestine by the uterus, exposes SEGO.

Steps to Help You Relieve Constipation

  • A diet rich in fiber, including cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices.
  • Moderate exercise helps with bowel movement.
  • You must maintain a regular rhythm in the intestinal habit, going to a fixed hour or so to the bathroom and stimulate the gastro-colic reflex by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach.

    Go for a walk

    There are simple measures to combat circulatory disorders that are accentuated, depending on the weather; The walks are advisable, which in addition to relieving you are fun.

    You can keep your legs up, wear normal compression stockings, never strong.

    It is also advisable to take Fabrovén, Doxium, Diosminil, Capilarema, Esberiven, Feparil, or Daflon. All the medications that we have recommended are listed in SEGO articles, however the most reasonable thing is that you consult with your doctor what is the most appropriate for you and your baby, never forget that.

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