Are Massages Safe When We Are Pregnant?

As long as the massages are performed properly, they generally do not lead to health problems. Find out how massages can help you and how to avoid inconveniences.
Are massages safe when we are pregnant?

When we are pregnant we care about our well-being and we want to be as relaxed as possible. However, doubts invade us before any different activity. For example, we are thinking about getting a massage, but we doubt if they are safe in our state.

An expert explains to us how safe and beneficial a massage can be during pregnancy. As we know, everything that contributes to our mental and physical health is welcome at this stage. Despite this, some practices could be contraindicated by specialists. Let’s see what they tell us in relation to massages.

Massages for pregnant women

Physiotherapist Flor MarĂ­a Trujillo is an expert in women’s health; she tells us that the doubt about massages in pregnancy is widespread. So far he does not know of a pregnant woman who has come to your consultation without doubts about it.

In most cases, massages seek the stimulation of the senses, through a body-mind connection. They are also necessary in the presence of pain or contractions.

A pregnant woman may require a massage to seek relief. However, it is also good for her to do it just for pleasure. However, it all depends on your month of pregnancy and your particular situation. That is why sometimes, it is necessary to determine the possible harm to her and the baby.

According to Dr. Trujillo’s experience, yes, we can give ourselves a massage if we are pregnant. However, it is absolutely necessary that we put ourselves in the hands of a professional. In this regard, it is convenient that the person who will give us the massage knows about pregnancy and our body.

The physiotherapist also advises that we wait until after the third trimester of pregnancy to start massages. It is after 12 weeks, when pregnancy becomes evident, therefore, physical discomforts begin to appear.

Massages can bring many benefits, but every woman is different. In this sense, the opinion of the obstetrician is necessary in the event of any doubt. The body of the woman has its own challenges, therefore an accurate diagnosis could favor any therapy.

What are the most beneficial massages for pregnant women?

The purpose of massages for pregnant women is to improve various aspects of women’s health. Currently, it is a common exercise, therefore specific guidelines have been designed for each case. The most recommended massages at this stage are the following.

Back massages

Back pain is common in pregnant women, these can be relieved with a specific massage. The reason for these discomforts occurs due to changes in the musculature and the structure of the bones. Faced with this type of pain, it is convenient to perform massage therapies to provide relief.

In addition, during back massage sessions, professionals help prevent bad posture. The physiotherapist advises the pregnant woman on the position that best suits her, both to relieve pain and to avoid it.

Perineal massage

This type of massage has a special technique, for this reason it can only be done by someone with experience. It tends to be more complex than other massages and is very important in pregnancy. Not all pregnant women undergo this type of therapy, but it is highly recommended.

Through perineal massage, the pelvic floor is stimulated so that the muscles acquire strength and flexibility for childbirth. A massage like this is delicate, but it can make it easier to dilate when the time comes.

Massage to drain

During pregnancy the accumulation of fluids becomes more evident and stormy. For this reason it is advisable to go to massage sessions whose purpose is to help drain those extra fluids.

It is very important in the leg area, where most of the swelling occurs. These massages help relieve pain caused by fluid accumulation and also improve circulation.

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