What Do I Do If My Child Has Swallowed An Object?

Knowing the basic first aid measures well is a great tool for all parents, even giving them more security when solving a problem.
What do I do if my child has swallowed an object?

If a child has swallowed an object, it is necessary to act quickly so that the problem does not pass to adults. It must be remembered that there is little that can be done at home ; On the contrary, applying first aid early can save a child’s life.

It is highly recommended that parents are familiar with first aid maneuvers and techniques in order to act correctly in a dangerous situation, such as choking. Children between 1 and 3 years of age are very prone to these types of problems, although the truth is that anyone can go through it.

Regardless of whether it is a piece of food or an object, choking is a concern as it can quickly lead to suffocation. 

Children always put things in their mouths, regardless of whether they are large or small objects; That is why we are used to being aware that they do not do it or that they are careful with objects, but not all the time our attention is sufficient.

Even if children are told not to put objects in their mouths, this does not mean that they will obey immediately or that they will not be tempted to do so secretly from their parents. Therefore, it is also advisable to keep small objects out of reach and always be vigilant. 

What is the danger of swallowing a foreign body?

A foreign body can affect your health in a number of ways. However, in the case of choking on objects, these are serious especially because they can cause suffocation.

If your child has swallowed an object, you must act quickly.

The human body is not designed to swallow or process objects. For something, it is essential to learn to chew food correctly and not to take more than the right amount in each bite.

Foreign objects that can enter a child’s body do not always have to be large enough to cause suffocation. Swallowing a small object can also have consequences.

If a child chokes on a sharp object, it can cause internal injuries and thus be an open door for infection; with which, the problem could be further aggravated.

However, the danger is not only in swallowing objects. Much of the choking occurs with food, such as candy, nuts, grapes, popcorn, the seeds of some fruit, and so on.

Avoid giving candy to children under 8 years of age.

However, other foods can cause choking if they are not chewed properly. An example of this may be a piece of meat that is not chewed or swallowed too quickly or is poorly cut (being too large for the child).

Coarsely chopped meat and vegetables can cause airway obstruction. For this reason, it is essential that parents teach their children to chop food well and also supervise if they have done it correctly. It is also essential to teach them to eat slowly and chew well before swallowing. 

What do I do if my child has swallowed an object?

No matter how careful we are,  the curiosity and concern of children can outweigh our prevention measures. As a result, it is sometimes impossible to prevent accidents from occurring. 

A seed or a small bead can pass through the digestive tract and become expelled through the stool without any problem. For this reason, children may sometimes have swallowed something without their parents even realizing it. As there are no symptoms that indicate an irregularity, the matter passes without great danger.

Now, if your child coughs, is short of breath, or makes a strange hissing noise, he may have swallowed an object. At these times, it is essential not to panic and act immediately to prevent the problem from spreading.


  • Be calm and make sure what was the object that was swallowed and if it was only one or more.
  • It is not advisable to force them to eat if we observe them with respiratory problems.
  • If we have seen him swallow something or suspect that he has, the recommendation is to take them immediately to the emergency room. 
  • Depending on the size of the object and the age of the child, extraction may be recommended; but usually after it has passed through the esophagus, it may be eliminated through the stool.
  • If the object is sharp, pointed or is a pile, the specialists indicate the extraction almost always.
  • After the x-rays have revealed that the foreign body has reached the stomach and according to its size it would easily pass the digestive tract; it is advisable to monitor their expulsion.
  • Once indicated that to wait; It is advisable to feed him vegetables, fruits and foods rich in fiber, to help him expel the object in a period of four to seven days.
  • It is advisable to observe the child very carefully, attentive to symptoms such as blood in the stool, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever.   It is very important to be aware of these signs, because they could indicate that the object is still inside and that it is causing damage.

Not a little what we can do at home in case of choking, therefore, first aid will be key for parents when preventing the problem from becoming more serious.

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