Your Baby Clothes, So Small, Will Be My Nostalgia Tomorrow

Your baby clothes, so small, will be tomorrow my nostalgia

Your baby clothes, so small, precious and delicate will be my nostalgia tomorrow, because when I want to realize it, you will run through the world between laughter and games, away from my lap, away from those first months when you barely fit between the two hands of father…

Proust said that love is space and time measured by the heart. Few things can hold so much truth, because everything that is valuable to us, loved, everything that gives us meaning in life, proximity and what is precious to us, seems to escape the second hand of a clock.

At the same time, one way that moms and dads measure time is through their own children. Those clothes that no longer fit, those shoes that from one month to another no longer fit, those centimeters in their height, that vocabulary that is getting richer and richer, their deeper and more awakened conversations … Where has our little one gone? baby?

That feeling instantly scares, we know, but it is also exciting. Because that pajamas that no longer fit or that so sweet shirt that you used to wear it not long ago and that now he himself tells you that he does not like it, responds to the natural pace of that harmonious and normal growth with which to know that everything is well. That you are doing great …

The intimate moments of today between you and me will be my nostalgia for tomorrow

baby with rabbit clothes

We love that stage when our children are still so young. We adore their tiny hands pressing our fingers, the sound of their breathing as they sleep on our lap. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding is magical, perfect in its essence, wonderful from start to finish.

We like this whole period of early childhood because it is when they need us the most, when in turn, we are closer to our skin, our heart, our senses. Now, although it is clear that all the stages of our children are important, those first two or three years are what consolidate the bond. It is then that that attachment relationship is built, leaving that imprint on his heart and ours.

Miss this stage is cast in those moments it lack of intimacy where they we showed that they were loved, welcome, to be always protected, comforted, cared ... It was a time when they needed us almost as much as the food we offered them and that is something imperishable in memory. Something that when they grow up, we miss: that almost constant anxiety to have us around …

Your clothes, so small, are also part of a ritual …

Those clothes so tiny, so perfect and charming are also part of a curious ritual that many moms will have already experienced in their own skin. Before the baby comes into the world we spend part of our time choosing those pieces of clothing. It is something that allows us to embroider our illusions, frame dreams, project hopes, and in some way, begin to love that little one whose face we still do not know.

Later, when we already have the baby in our arms, it is the task of putting on and changing, washing, putting away and putting it back in moments, it can become routine, but it shapes the rhythm of that daily life that we love and where we feel good.

However, almost without us noticing, those first pieces of clothing are left in the deepest part of the closet. They no longer serve us. Until at the end, we dedicate a day to keep those clothes so small in a special box, like a small treasure, like a piece of a perfect time that we long for.

Finally, many times those boxes are reopened: those pieces of clothing are going to be used again. Either because we are expecting another child or because a sister or friend is expecting her baby. It is also a magical moment that we enjoy again in another way but also in an intense way.

You grow up, you are getting bigger and faster … but every day I love you more

child with his mother

At the end comes that stage. The one in which they run ahead of you, in which they slip out of your hands, in which everything catches their attention and in which they bombard you with questions, in which they do not stop still and in which their personal circle expands until reaching their peers, to those first social relationships that little by little, will open them to the world.

All this is good, it is sensational and necessary. Children grow up and we grow with them . Missing a stage is not negative, nothing happens if one day we embrace nostalgia when we discover her baby clothes in an old drawer. It is part of our past, it is one more piece of that perfect puzzle that is still incomplete, where your hand, your love, your patience and closeness are still essential for your children.

Regardless of age.

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