5 Tricks To Relieve Itching During Pregnancy

5 tricks to relieve itching during pregnancy

The life of a pregnant woman changes completely, her hormones, body and even her mind are totally different. You begin to experience major changes, especially in the skin.  

In general, future mothers are concerned with handling information that will allow them to take action when presenting such changes. Some of these can be superficial; others can leave significant footprints if we don’t take the necessary steps to address them.

This is the case of itching during pregnancy . A situation many times uncomfortable that we do not know how to treat it, and sometimes it leaves marks on our body. Coping without major trauma is part of reality during almost the entire pregnancy process

The scientific name is Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICD), also known as Obstetric Cholestasis

Itchy skin during pregnancy!

When we are pregnant, the whole body may itch, but more in areas such as the breasts, abdomen and hips . This is known also under the name of ” pruritus” , It occurs when our abdomen extends making room for the baby, who is in full growth.

Hormones such as estrogen, manage to reach such high levels that this becomes one of the factors responsible for the terrible itch

Feeling this discomfort how common can it be?

This is a very common symptom that affects 40% of pregnant women. Generally, it occurs in the second or third trimester when the skin extends more. It is usually a fairly common annoyance throughout this wonderful process in which you carry a small and fragile creature inside your belly.

What is the reason for it?

It is necessary to bear in mind that the changes both immunological , endocrinological and metabolic during pregnancy are important; for this reason the texture or appearance of the skin does not leak.  This contributes to itching and brings with it dryness, itching as well as scales in our epidermis.

Another symptom that you may suffer is that the palms of the hands or feet become red and itchy. This is due to increased estrogen hormone . This almost always goes away by the time you give birth.  

You should not be alarmed, because despite being annoying, so much itching is perfectly normal

There are other types of rash that appear. An example of these is a kind of hives or spots on the abdomen much larger than a normal rash. So showy and big that they look like hives; These are called papules, pruritic or urtacariform plaques of pregnancy.

Tricks to relieve itching

Once we are clear about the basics about what the types of itch mean, we will expose the 5 tricks that will alleviate this discomfort.

  1.  Take cold showers, using mild, anti-allergic soaps made or containing glycerin, almonds, oatmeal, or aloe vera.
  2. Use moisturizing creams preferably with natural ingredients or make your own creams based on honey, chamomile, or apply natural oils such as: coconut, almonds or lavender (the latter is known for its high quality to beautify the epidermis).
  3. Drink a lot of water, and if you do gentle exercises like walking, do it in cool hours, this will help your circulation work better and reduce itching. Do not forget to always apply sunscreen, you will avoid spots on the body caused by rashes and contact with the sun.
  4.   Wear loose clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton and that is light in color
  5. Take immersion baths with oatmeal water, or baking soda – this is an antipruritic.

Other tips

These are some tips that you can take into account to consolidate the effectiveness of the previously indicated tricks:

  • Try to avoid hot showers or baths, these dry out the skin and aggravate the itchiness.
  • Use detergents and natural cleaning products.
  • Rinse well with cool water and use soft towels.
  • Try not to go out in the hot hours, because this can exacerbate the itch.
  • Call your doctor immediately if you think you have cholestasis , because it can represent a very serious problem for your baby.
  • If possible, stay in cool places, under shade, avoid contact with old objects, dust and mites.

The indicated recommendations will help to manage this discomfort and will allow you to be more calm preparing for that special day. The arrival of a new member of the family.

All the suggestions that we propose must go hand in hand with the indications and advice of your doctor.  Thus, we try to accompany you safely, during the best stage of your life, that of being a mother.

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