7 Girl Names That Start With The Letter D

Looking for the perfect name for your baby? Next, we propose a list of girl names that begin with the letter D.
7 girl names that start with the letter D

And what is it going to be called? It is one of the most frequent questions that is usually heard when your baby arrives. If you have not yet chosen the name for your future daughter and you are thinking of ideas for girl names, you have surely noticed that there are infinite options. Therefore, if one of your ideas is a name that begins with the letter D, this article is for you.

Choosing your baby’s name is one of the most important and emotional first decisions  you will have to make during pregnancy and, therefore, we have prepared a small list of girl names that can help you get out of your doubts.

Girl names that begin with the letter D

Pregnant woman thinking of girl names for her baby.

1. Daphne

Dafne has Greek origin and her name comes from Dáfne , whose meaning is ‘laurel’. In Greek mythology, Daphne was a nymph, daughter of the river god Peneo and the goddess Gea (Earth), with whom the god Apollo fell madly in love. To free her from such harassment, her father transformed her into laurel, a sacred plant for Apollo. Dafne is characterized by being very creative and empathetic.

2. Dana

This name has Hebrew origin and comes from din , ‘the one who judges’. It is the feminine of the name Dan, one of the sons of Jacob who gave names to the twelve tribes of Israel.

Her prudence and honesty make her a demanding person and highly respected by her peers. People with this name have a great entrepreneurial spirit.

3. Daniela, one of the girl’s names that is in fashion

Daniela is a name of Hebrew origin. It comes from two words dan and el,  and means ‘God’s justice’. This is one of the girl’s names that has increased the most in Spain in recent years. It is a very popular name today. Without a doubt, it is a beautiful option to name your baby, as it is sweet and young.

Women named Daniela are characterized as very happy, responsible and self-confident people. They will never be influenced by anyone.

4. Delia

Delia is of Greek origin and comes from the word delia , which means ‘from the island of Delos’. In Greek mythology, Delia was the nickname of Artemis, born in Delos.

Delia is characterized by being shy and mysterious; he is usually a person who questions everything and for everything. Delia is known to have leanings towards the spiritual and the philosophical.

5. Diana, another of the girl’s names that is in fashion

Diana comes from the Latin diviana , ‘Goddess of the moon’. In mythology, Diana was the virgin goddess of the hunt, protector of nature and of the moon. Diana is often very positive about her positivism and joy. He transmits a lot of energy to everyone around him.

Pregnant woman stroking her tummy.

6. Dora

This name has Greek origin and its meaning is ‘gift, gift’. It is the hypocoristic form of names like Teodora, Dorotea or Auxiliadora.

Dora has an enigmatic personality, transmits calm and balance, although she sometimes mistrusts her emotionality. She is cautious and very wise and intuitive. He always goes with feet of lead.

7. Sweet

Dulce has Latin origin and comes from dulcis , ‘sweet, pleasant’. This name was very common in the Middle Ages, both in Spain and in Provence.

They stand out for being very familiar and protective. They care a lot about their family and their home, always putting it before any circumstance.

In short, with this list, we hope we have made it easier for you, even knowing the infinity of potential names that exist, the search for the name of your future baby. And you? Do you dare to give your daughter a name that begins with the letter D?

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