5 Tips For Mothers Who Need Time For Themselves

5 tips for mothers who need time for themselves

Being a mother is one of the most beautiful experiences in life for most women, but  at first many moms find themselves overwhelmed and feel like they don’t have time to take care of themselves.

Going to medical check-ups or going to the hairdresser to get a haircut or wax can become an adventure for many mothers. But to maintain your emotional health it is very important not to forget yourself and to maintain activities that were practiced before the birth.

Some feel that by starting their new daily routine as mothers, they are totally changing their way of life thus far. Many feel lonely and burdened.

They need support and understanding of their immediate environment. In addition, the beginning of breastfeeding is often complicated for many mothers. Although they know that it is the best food for the newborn, sometimes the principles are complicated and many mothers get overwhelmed.

Experts recommend going outside with the child, whether to the park, the beach or the mountains. And of course try to lead the social life that was maintained before the baby was born. Although you cannot go to some places with a newborn, you can do many activities adapted to the family. We are going to give you 5 simple tips for mothers who need time for themselves.

Tips for making time for yourself


mother time

Keep activities

Maintaining your priorities and activities is very important for most mothers. If, for example, you like to walk, try to find a way to do it with the baby when you have recovered. You can walk with him in a baby carrier or in the stroller. You can also try to leave it with your partner or someone you trust for half an hour a day to be able to walk. Schedule yourself to do it every day. Try to maintain your interests whether they are reading, watching television series or going swimming. Don’t give up everything you love for being a mother.

Seek support

Although on many occasions mothers are overwhelmed, it is difficult for us to ask for help. Do not hesitate. Many times the couple is insufficient to take care of a child, work and do daily tasks. L as mothers have to ask for help from family and friends to do some homework.

It is also a good idea to seek support and empathy from other moms who are in the same situation. Go down to the park even if your child is just a baby and talk to other mothers. They will surely understand all your fears and doubts! Also try connecting with mothers through a group or online.

mother time

Do not forget to take care of yourself

Many mothers forget to take care of the baby’s three months of life and some even the first year. Don’t forget about yourself. Believe it or not, it is very important for your emotional stability. Try going to the hairdresser to cut your hair and wax, paint yourself as you used to do before, and do whatever exercise you deem appropriate. If you’ve gained a bit of weight, find a way to get back in shape with diet and exercise. And if you find yourself depressed at any point, don’t hesitate to seek professional help as soon as possible.

Do not demand too much

It is clear that at first you will not be able to do the same tasks as before. Surely you will find yourself in many moments of the day overwhelmed and you will not feel that you do not reach everything. Do not worry because it is the most logical and normal. This situation is experienced by all mothers at the beginning. You have to be patient and not demand the same effort as before. Rest and try to enjoy the little moments.

mother time

A quiet life

The best thing is to try to enjoy this stage of our life without haste. Soon our baby will grow and we can miss his best moments if we are always overwhelmed. Try to disconnect the phone, mobile and WhatsApp when you want to rest.

Enjoy the “now” on walks and in any daily activity. And try not to feel burdened by schedules. What else does it give to eat half an hour before or after? Mark the priorities of your life and try to enjoy at all times. Do not hesitate to stop your usual rhythm at this stage of your life, especially during maternity leave and breastfeeding. Your emotional health is more important than everything else. 

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