4 Discipline Problems In Children And How To Solve Them

Discipline problems in children lead many parents upside down. Sometimes little ones have behaviors that can take their patience out.
4 discipline problems in children and how to solve them

Discipline problems in children are usually very frequent. Parents sometimes encounter misbehaviors that can destroy their patience. In the following lines we are going to see some of these problems and how to solve them.

Knowing how to handle children’s misbehavior is essential; a good discipline helps children to manage better in life, to achieve their goals and to coexist appropriately with other people.

Discipline problems in children and how to solve them

Many parents frequently go for consultation or ask for help with certain behaviors that occur in their children. In the following lines we are going to see some of the discipline problems in children that occur more often and what can be done about them.

Mother scolding her daughter with discipline problems.

My son does not listen and he entertains himself a lot in the mornings to leave the house and go to school

Do you have to tell your child thousands of times to get dressed and brush his teeth to go to school or anywhere else, but he entertains himself and does not listen to you? In school-age children, this behavior is common, but what can be done?

  • Together you can prepare the night before the clothes for the next day and whatever you need, in order not to waste time.
  • Together you can make a list of everything he has to do in the morning before going out and, if he is young and cannot read yet, you can use pictures to show him the steps to follow so he does not forget anything.
  • Don’t scold him, let the consequences come naturally; If he hasn’t finished dressing, tell him that he will have to get dressed in the car then. Thus, you will realize that either you are in a hurry or you are going to have to go to class in your pajamas.
  • Set an alarm that tells her how much time she has to do her homework and make sure she has time to do it.

My son is constantly challenging me

Your child is challenging and, as much as you ask him not to do a certain thing, he does it. For example, toy that he catches, toy that throws against furniture, even though you ask him, actively and passively, not to do it, and, if you prevent him, he will have a tantrum. What are the solutions in this regard?

  • Give him options on what he can do. For example, if he wants to throw something, you tell him that you can go to the garden or the park to throw the ball, but that he should not throw the toys inside the house. Always use a firm but calm tone.
  • If they continue to ignore, explain that it will have consequences. “If you throw the toy away, I’ll take it away . And if he launches it again, immediately, you pick it up for him, so he can establish the connection. Even if I beg you, don’t back down.
  • Talk to your child always with respect and empathy.
  • If he has a tantrum, hug him and comfort him until he calms down.

My son is a pegón

Some kids take to hitting when they can’t get away with it. If another child takes a toy from him, he hits it; if the parents are against him, he also beats them. If the child is 6 years and older, he already has enough strength to do harm, and this is a matter of great concern to parents. What can be done?

  • Do not hit him, because this is not the solution. Spanking will not correct the child’s behavior.
  • Help him find another way to release his frustration and anger.
  • Find a time when he is calm and talk with both parents to make the rule that hitting is not allowed and explain the consequences if he does. His friends will not want to play with him, at school they will punish him and give him a negative mark, etc.
  • Teach him other ways to express his feelings and that when he feels angry, he can take time in his room to calm down or a place where he is alone to help him calm down.
  • You can find a method for when you feel angry and intend to raise your hand against someone. In this way, every time you feel like this, you will use this resource to feel better.
    Mother scolding her daughter for her bad behavior.

My son is very answer

The child, every time you try to discipline him, insults you and laughs at you. In addition, this not only happens at home, but, on occasions, he has spoken to the teacher in bad ways because he did not like the activities he was doing. What are the solutions to this behavior?

  • When you’re with him and some of these episodes occur, you immediately tell him “it’s not okay for you to insult me ​​or anyone. That behavior is intolerable .
  • Stay calm and assertive, both with your voice and your body language. Don’t be irritated and don’t talk to him until he stops talking like that. “If you talk to me that way, I won’t answer; When you do it in a respectful way, then we talk .
  • If he continues to disrespect, point out that there will be consequences and keep them without backing down.
  • Whenever he addresses you or anyone else in a respectful way, praise him and reinforce this positive behavior.

Discipline problems in children …

These are some of the discipline problems in children that, as parents, we can find ourselves more frequently. Thus, you can use any of the solutions that we propose and that best suits your child.

If these behaviors persist and it is very difficult for you to control them, it is recommended that you consult a professional to guide you in a personalized way about what you should do in this situation with your little one.

Prevent misbehavior in school-age children

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