3 Keys To Stimulate Children’s Intelligence

Intelligence does not only encompass logical or mathematical ability. Discover how to stimulate the intelligence of your children in a global way.
3 keys to stimulate children's intelligence

During the first years of a child’s life, their cognitive development progresses at great speed. Through interaction with the environment, he acquires the faculties to understand and function in it. This process takes place naturally and progressively; however, there is much that adults can do to stimulate children’s intelligence.

If they do not grow in rich and stimulating environments, they will not achieve their full potential. For example, cases of infants who were deprived of socialization during their early years have been documented and this profoundly affected many of their abilities. However, to stimulate the intelligence of children we must take into account that it covers many different areas.

In general, we tend to associate intelligence with linguistic or mathematical ability. Or even with the grades that the little ones get in school.

However, it is a much broader concept. As can be seen from the theory of multiple intelligences, aspects such as music, body movement or social relationships need to be equally enhanced. Therefore, we share some keys that will help you achieve it.

How to stimulate children’s intelligence?

Mother and son cooking together to foster children's intelligence.

Healthy lifestyle habits

In the first place, we must attend to the physical sphere of the child because, although we are trying to stimulate it at a cognitive level, both aspects are closely related. Thus, it is important to watch your habits and make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle. We will especially have to focus on three areas:

  • Sufficient and quality rest is essential for children to settle learning and restore the energy consumed during the day. If your sleep hours are short or are frequently interrupted, we will be preventing these important brain functions from taking place. In addition, the next day the child will not be able to function properly either at school or in the rest of his activities.
  • Food is also of great importance in the development of intelligence. And it is that it is what provides the brain of children with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, it is essential that they maintain a varied and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and avoid sugars and processed foods. At least as far as possible.
  • On the other hand, it is necessary that the little ones get used to doing physical exercise regularly in their day-to-day life. Sport helps to oxygenate the body, but also enhances body intelligence, social (especially if it is a team sport) and music (in the case of activities such as dance).

    New experiences

    When it comes to stimulating intelligence, there is no greater enemy than routine. For the same, try to provide your children with varied experiences. These can be of any kind: visiting museums, walking in nature, reading different books or participating in activities with other children. Any new experience that gets out of the way will nourish and enrich your mind in important ways.

    Not only will the little one gain new knowledge from these experiences, but he will also feel his curiosity being awakened and his social skills expanded. People, environments, and varied activities are the best ingredients to keep your mind stimulated. Also, no extraordinary events are necessary. Introducing small variations on a day-to-day basis may be enough.


    Finally, to stimulate the intelligence of children we must help them to be mentally active. To do this, we can propose different challenges and challenges that encourage them to test and develop their skills. Homework already fulfills, in part, this mission, but from home we can contribute by proposing to the little ones to participate in the preparation of simple recipes, crafts or board games.

    Sibling children doing crafts at home.

    Stimulate intelligence on a day-to-day basis

    As you can see, intelligence can be stimulated on a day-to-day basis through daily tasks. It is not necessary to resort to complex activities or extensive training. In reality, it is daily experiences that most nurture children’s intelligence.

    It is important not to limit ourselves to enhancing the logical and cognitive abilities of children, since the rest of intelligences have equal value and will also be of maximum use to them. But, fortunately, with most activities we manage to address several of these facets of intelligence.

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